Northbound I-71 Exit/ Gore Extension & Lane Expansion
The gore is the triangular area of separation between the freeway and exiting traffic.
The extended gore and expanded exit lane at the Northbound I-71 Fields-Ertel/Mason-Montgomery Road exit allows cars to exit
I-71 and move onto the expanded off-ramp sooner. This also creates more separation between freeway and exiting traffic, which improves safety for motorists who use this exit to travel through the area.
Northbound I-71 Exit/Loop Ramp
Northbound traffic from I-71 can now by-pass the main intersection at Fields-Ertel and Mason Montgomery-Road altogether and continue driving north on Mason-Montgomery. This helps traffic heading north on Mason-Montgomery, but also helps traffic that is continuing to use the “traditional” northbound exit ramp because there are now fewer cars cycling through that signal and moving through the main intersection.
Southbound I-71 Exit/ Additional Right Turn Lane onto Mason-Montgomery Road
The southbound I-71 exit was widened to provide additional capacity to its intersection with Mason-Montgomery Road and Escort Drive by adding an additional right turn lane for traffic turning right onto Mason-Montgomery Road.
New Lane Constructed on Northbound Mason-Montgomery Road
Have you noticed traffic moving more smoothly along Mason-Montgomery Road? That’s due in part to the new northbound lane from Fields-Ertel Road to Parkway Drive (we’ve also made adjustments to the timing of the traffic signals to help traffic move more easily).
This third lane of northbound traffic has helped to ease congestion and will help us to prepare for future interchange improvements.
22 Traffic Signal Improvements
Upgraded computer controllers within the traffic signals will allow signal timing to be coordinated more effectively so that traffic can flow more easily. This project involved twenty-two different signals and cost $1,355,000.